Fortnite's New Rules

Think your kids are sneaking in a few extra rounds of Fortnite after bedtime? Think again. The days of late-night gaming marathons might be over, thanks to Epic Games' latest update.

A father and his son are playing a video game together, with the father looking at the son with a smile.
Photography by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels
Published: Thursday, 03 October 2024 07:26 (EDT)
By Tomás Oliveira

Epic Games has just rolled out a game-changer (pun intended) for parents everywhere: new parental controls designed to limit how long, and when, kids can play Fortnite. If you’ve ever caught your kid trying to squeeze in “just one more match” at 2 AM, this update is for you.

According to TechRadar, these new controls allow parents to set specific time limits on gameplay, effectively enforcing a digital curfew. No more sneaky late-night gaming sessions under the covers—Fortnite will now shut down when the clock strikes bedtime. And honestly, it’s about time.

Why This Matters

Let’s be real: Fortnite isn’t just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon. Kids (and let’s be honest, adults too) are hooked. But with great power comes great responsibility, and sometimes that responsibility falls on parents to pull the plug—literally.

These new parental controls are a direct response to growing concerns about screen time and the impact of excessive gaming on kids’ sleep and overall well-being. It’s no secret that sleep deprivation is a real issue for today’s youth, and Fortnite’s addictive gameplay isn’t exactly helping. With these new features, parents can finally take back control without having to be the bad guy every night.

How It Works

So, how do these new controls actually work? It’s pretty simple. Parents can now set daily or weekly time limits on their child’s Fortnite account. You can also choose specific times when the game is off-limits—like, say, after 9 PM on school nights. Once the limit is reached, the game automatically locks out the player. No tantrums, no “just five more minutes,” just a hard stop.

And it’s not just about limiting playtime. These controls also allow parents to monitor their child’s in-game purchases, ensuring that Junior isn’t racking up a massive V-Bucks bill behind their back. It’s a win-win for both parents and kids—well, maybe not so much for the kids.

The Bigger Picture

This move by Epic Games is part of a broader trend in the gaming industry. More and more developers are recognizing the need for tools that help manage screen time and promote healthier gaming habits. It’s not just about keeping kids from playing too much; it’s about fostering a balanced relationship with technology.

And let’s face it, gaming isn’t going anywhere. As games like Fortnite continue to dominate the cultural landscape, it’s crucial that parents have the tools they need to keep things in check. These new controls are a step in the right direction, but they’re just one piece of the puzzle.

What’s Next?

As parental controls become more sophisticated, we can expect to see even more features that give parents greater oversight and flexibility. Maybe we’ll see options for limiting screen time across multiple games or even entire devices. Who knows, maybe one day your fridge will tell your kid to stop playing Fortnite and go to bed.

For now, though, this update is a solid win for parents who’ve been battling the Fortnite addiction in their homes. So, if you’ve been struggling to get your kids to log off and catch some Z’s, it might be time to check out these new controls.
