Apple’s AI Smart Display

Apple is no stranger to the smart home game, but its rumored AI-powered smart display could be the company’s boldest move yet. But will it really revolutionize your home, or is it just another shiny gadget with a hefty price tag?

A man is sitting on a couch in a living room, looking at a laptop.
Photography by Andres Ayrton on Pexels
Published: Thursday, 03 October 2024 07:15 (EDT)
By Liam O'Connor

On one hand, we have Apple, a tech giant that’s been notoriously slow to fully dive into the smart home market. On the other hand, we have Amazon and Google, who’ve been dominating the space with their Echo and Nest devices for years. So, what’s Apple bringing to the table that’s different? According to Engadget, Apple’s rumored smart display could arrive as soon as 2025, and it’s expected to run on a new operating system called homeOS. But here’s the kicker: Apple Intelligence, the company’s flavor of AI, will be at the core of this device.

Now, let’s break this down. Apple Intelligence is expected to be the brains behind the operation, integrating AI into your home in ways we haven’t seen before. Think FaceTime calls, smart home controls, and who knows what else—all powered by AI. But here’s where it gets interesting: Apple is reportedly working on two versions of this smart display. One will be a more affordable, basic model, while the other will be a high-end version with a robotic arm that could cost over $1,000. Yep, you read that right—a robotic arm.

But do we really need a robotic arm in our homes? Sure, it sounds cool, but is it practical? The cheaper version might be more appealing to the average consumer, offering just enough functionality to make it worth the investment. But the high-end model? That’s a different story. It seems like Apple is betting big on the idea that people will want a more interactive, futuristic experience in their homes. And let’s be real, if anyone can make a robotic arm seem like a must-have, it’s probably Apple.

AI-Powered Homes: A Game-Changer or Just Hype?

Apple Intelligence could be the secret sauce that finally makes smart homes, well, smart. Imagine a home that doesn’t just respond to your commands but anticipates your needs. That’s the promise of AI in the smart home space. But here’s the thing: Apple isn’t the first to try this. Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant have been doing this for years, albeit with varying degrees of success. The question is, can Apple do it better?

Apple’s track record with AI is a mixed bag. Siri, while functional, has never quite lived up to the hype. So, it’s fair to be skeptical about Apple Intelligence. Will it be a game-changer, or will it just be another iteration of what’s already out there? The fact that Apple is developing a whole new operating system—homeOS—suggests they’re serious about making this work. But until we see it in action, it’s hard to say whether it will live up to the lofty expectations.

The Price of Innovation

Let’s talk about that price tag. The high-end model is rumored to cost over $1,000. That’s a lot of cash for a smart display, even one with a robotic arm. For comparison, you can get an Amazon Echo Show for under $250. So, what exactly are you paying for with Apple’s version? Is it the AI? The sleek design? The Apple logo? Probably a bit of all three.

But here’s the thing: Apple has never been about being the cheapest option. They’re about being the best—or at least, the most premium. If their smart display can deliver a truly seamless, AI-powered experience, there will undoubtedly be people willing to pay for it. But for the average consumer, the cheaper, more basic model might be the better option. After all, do you really need a robotic arm to control your smart lights?

Final Thoughts

So, is Apple’s rumored smart display the future of smart homes? It could be. If Apple Intelligence lives up to its potential, we might finally see a smart home device that feels truly intelligent. But there are still a lot of unknowns. Will the AI be as revolutionary as Apple hopes? Will the price tag scare off potential buyers? Only time will tell.

As the late Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Whether Apple’s smart display will make them a leader in the smart home market remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: they’re not afraid to take risks.

Smart Home