Cyber Insurance Shifts

Is your business ready for the new cyber insurance landscape? With evolving threats and rising costs, cyber insurance is no longer just a safety net—it's a game-changer.

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Photography by FlyD on Unsplash
Published: Thursday, 03 October 2024 09:22 (EDT)
By Nina Schmidt

Cyber insurance used to be a nice-to-have, but in 2023, it's a must-have for businesses of all sizes. Why? Because the threat landscape is changing faster than ever, and insurers are adapting their policies to keep up. But these changes aren't just affecting premiums—they're reshaping how companies approach cybersecurity altogether.

So, what's happening in the world of cyber insurance, and how is it impacting the security landscape? Let's dive into five key shifts.

1. Ransomware is Driving Premiums Up

Ransomware attacks have skyrocketed in recent years, and insurers are feeling the heat. As a result, premiums are going up—sometimes by as much as 50% or more. But it's not just about the money. Insurers are also tightening their requirements, demanding that businesses implement stronger security measures before they'll even consider offering coverage.

If you're not already investing in robust ransomware defenses, now's the time. Otherwise, you might find yourself paying through the nose for coverage—or worse, unable to get insured at all.

2. More Focus on IT Resilience

It's not just about preventing attacks anymore—it's about surviving them. Insurers are increasingly looking at how resilient your IT infrastructure is. Can your business bounce back quickly from an attack? Do you have backups, disaster recovery plans, and incident response teams in place?

If the answer is no, you might struggle to get coverage, or you could face higher premiums. The message is clear: resilience is just as important as prevention.

3. Cyber Hygiene is Non-Negotiable

Remember when you could get away with basic security measures and still get insured? Yeah, those days are over. Insurers now expect businesses to maintain top-notch cyber hygiene. That means regular software updates, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and more.

Fail to meet these standards, and you could find yourself without coverage—or facing a hefty premium increase. It's time to get serious about the basics.

4. Supply Chain Risks Are Under the Microscope

It's not just your own security that matters anymore—it's your entire supply chain. Insurers are increasingly scrutinizing the cybersecurity practices of your vendors and partners. If one of them gets hit by an attack, it could affect your coverage.

This means businesses need to start vetting their supply chain more carefully. If your vendors aren't up to snuff, it could cost you in more ways than one.

5. Incident Response is a Dealbreaker

Insurers want to know that you're prepared to respond to an attack. That means having a solid incident response plan in place, complete with a dedicated team and clear procedures for handling breaches.

If you don't have an incident response plan, you're not just risking your business—you're risking your ability to get insured. Insurers are making this a non-negotiable requirement, and for good reason.

So, what's the takeaway? Cyber insurance is evolving, and businesses need to evolve with it. It's no longer just about paying for coverage—it's about proving that you're serious about security. If you want to stay insured (and keep your premiums down), it's time to step up your game.

For more insights on how cyber insurance is impacting the security landscape, check out this article from Darkreading.
