AI Meets Super Mario

Imagine booting up a game that wasn’t built by human hands but instead learned from watching hours of gameplay. That’s exactly what’s happening with a new AI model called "MarioVGG"—and it’s wild.

A man wearing VR headset is looking at something in the distance. He is standing in a dark room.
Photography by Lux Interaction on Unsplash
Published: Thursday, 03 October 2024 09:16 (EDT)
By Dylan Cooper

According to Arstechnica, MarioVGG is an AI model that’s been trained to simulate the classic game *Super Mario Bros.* by learning from video footage. Yeah, you read that right—no game engine, no coding, just pure AI magic. The model watches gameplay videos and then tries to recreate the game world, level by level, pixel by pixel. It’s like teaching a robot to play by showing it YouTube clips instead of giving it a controller.

Now, before you start thinking this AI is going to replace your favorite game devs, let’s pump the brakes. MarioVGG isn’t perfect. It’s still in its early stages, and while it can mimic certain aspects of the game, it’s far from creating a fully playable version. But the potential here is insane. Imagine an AI that could watch *any* game and then build a playable version from scratch. We’re talking about a future where game engines might not even be necessary.

And it’s not just Super Mario that’s getting the AI treatment. Over at EA, they’re working on something even crazier. They’ve developed an AI system that lets you dream up an entire video game from scratch. You don’t need to know how to code, design, or even have a game engine. Just tell the AI what you want, and boom, it creates the game for you. It’s like having a personal game dev team in your pocket. You can check out more about this futuristic tech over at Futurism.

So, what does this mean for the future of gaming? Well, for starters, it could make game development way more accessible. Imagine indie developers or even hobbyists being able to create full-fledged games without needing a massive studio or years of experience. AI could democratize game creation, opening the door for more creativity and innovation than ever before.

But there’s also a flip side. If AI can create games, what happens to the human touch? Will we lose the artistry and craftsmanship that comes from human developers? Or will AI simply be another tool that enhances creativity, like how Photoshop revolutionized digital art? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure—AI is going to change the game, literally.

So, what do you think? Are you excited about the idea of AI-generated games, or do you think it’s a step too far? Either way, the future of gaming is looking more futuristic than ever, and I, for one, can’t wait to see where it goes.
