AI: Chaos or Control?

AI is everywhere. But is your company using it to drive real results, or are you just adding to the chaos?

Two people are working together on a project using sticky notes on a wall.
Photography by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels
Published: Thursday, 03 October 2024 09:22 (EDT)
By Kevin Lee

Let’s face it: AI is the new shiny toy in the business world. Everyone wants a piece of it. But here’s the kicker—most companies are diving headfirst into AI without a clear strategy. They’re experimenting, tinkering, and throwing money at projects that may or may not move the needle. Sound familiar?

According to Fast Company, AI spending is skyrocketing, with companies pouring millions into AI systems. But here’s the catch: only a fraction of these projects are being managed effectively. The result? A chaotic mess of “shadow IT,” where different departments are running their own AI experiments without any oversight. It’s like everyone’s playing with fire, and no one’s keeping track of the burn marks.

Sure, innovation is great. But without a clear strategy, you’re just throwing darts in the dark. And that’s where the real danger lies. Companies are spending millions on AI, but they’re not seeing the return on investment they expected. Why? Because they’re not aligning their AI projects with their overall business goals.

Let’s break it down. A recent study by Boston Consulting Group found that spending on Generative AI (GenAI) is expected to grow by 60% over the next three years. That’s a huge chunk of the corporate IT budget. But here’s the kicker: if you’re not managing these projects strategically, you’re just burning cash.

Shadow IT: The Silent Killer

One of the biggest issues with AI proliferation is what’s known as “shadow IT.” This happens when different departments start using their own AI tools without the knowledge or approval of the central IT department. It’s like a rogue operation, and it can lead to some serious problems.

For starters, there’s no transparency. Nobody knows how much is being spent, whether the software is actually being used, or if it’s even delivering any value. In fact, a study found that 43% of employees spend too much time switching between different tools, and 69% struggle to find the information they need to do their jobs. That’s not exactly a recipe for success.

And it’s not just about the money. The impact on employee experience is even worse. When people are bogged down by too many tools and systems, productivity takes a nosedive. And let’s be real—nobody wants to spend their day wrestling with clunky software.

Strategic AI: The Way Forward

So, how do you avoid the chaos and make sure your AI efforts are actually driving value? It all comes down to strategy. You need to have a clear plan for how AI fits into your overall business goals. That means identifying the specific problems you want to solve and using AI to tackle them head-on.

It’s also crucial to have visibility into all the AI projects happening across your organization. That way, you can avoid duplication, reduce risk, and make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. And don’t forget about governance. You need a team of business leaders and AI experts who can evaluate projects and ensure they’re aligned with your strategy.

Here’s a quick checklist to see if your company is using AI strategically:

  • Do you know exactly how AI is improving key metrics in your business?
  • Are your AI projects aligned with your overall innovation strategy?
  • Do you have a system for sharing what you’re learning about AI across the organization?
  • Are you providing training to employees who need to understand AI?
  • Do you have visibility into all the AI projects in your company?

If you answered “no” to more than four of these questions, it’s time to rethink your approach.

Conclusion: From Chaos to Control

AI can be a powerful tool for driving business growth, but only if you use it strategically. Otherwise, you’re just adding to the chaos. The key is to have a clear plan, align your AI projects with your business goals, and ensure you have the right governance in place to keep things on track.

So, is your company using AI strategically, or are you just playing with fire? The choice is yours.
