AI's Watchful Eye

Will AI soon track your every move, even the police? Oracle's Larry Ellison thinks so.

A large, spherical structure with multiple screens displaying various scenes, likely from security cameras. The screens are in a grid-like pattern, suggesting a network of surveillance.
Photography by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash
Published: Wednesday, 12 March 2025 05:43 (EDT)
By Sophia Rossi

Imagine a world where every action you take is monitored, not just by cameras, but by artificial intelligence. Sound like something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie? Well, according to Oracle founder Larry Ellison, this future might be closer than we think. During a financial analysts meeting, Ellison dropped a bombshell prediction: AI will soon power massive surveillance networks, tracking not just civilians but also law enforcement officers. Yes, you read that right—AI will be watching the police too.

Ellison's vision isn't just about keeping an eye on the general public. He believes that AI will supervise police officers in real-time, reporting any issues or misconduct immediately. In his words, 'We’re going to have supervision. Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there’s a problem, AI will report that problem and report it fast.' But is this really the future we want?

Big Brother or Big Helper?

Let’s break this down. On one hand, AI-powered surveillance could be a game-changer for law enforcement. Imagine a system that can instantly flag misconduct, prevent corruption, and ensure that officers are held accountable. In theory, this could lead to a more transparent and fair policing system. No more sweeping things under the rug—AI doesn’t play favorites.

But on the flip side, this raises some serious ethical questions. If AI is watching the police, who’s watching the AI? What happens when the system makes mistakes? We’ve already seen AI algorithms misidentify people, especially in facial recognition systems. Can we really trust AI to make life-altering decisions, like reporting police misconduct or even predicting crimes?

The Slippery Slope of Surveillance

And then there’s the bigger issue: privacy. If AI is tracking every move of law enforcement, how long before it starts tracking everyone else? We’re already living in a world where surveillance cameras are everywhere, but AI could take this to a whole new level. Imagine a future where every step you take, every word you say, is analyzed by an algorithm. Creepy, right?

Ellison’s vision might sound like a way to keep everyone in check, but it could also lead to a society where privacy is a thing of the past. And once we go down that road, it’s hard to turn back.

The Future of Policing or a Step Too Far?

So, where does this leave us? On one hand, AI could revolutionize law enforcement, making it more efficient and accountable. On the other hand, it could lead to a surveillance state where no one—not even the police—can escape the watchful eye of AI.

As AI continues to evolve, we’re going to have to make some tough decisions about how much power we’re willing to give it. Do we want AI to be the ultimate supervisor, or should we draw the line before it’s too late? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: the future of law enforcement is about to get a lot more complicated.

For more on Larry Ellison’s bold predictions, check out the original article on TechCrunch.

Artificial Intelligence